peter huebner micro music laboratories |
M E D I C A L R E S O N A N C E T H E R A P Y M U S I C® |
R E D U C T I O N O F P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L M A N I F E S T A T I O N S O F S T R E S S |
Scientific Studies and Clinical Observations
- Dispersion of the mental manifestations of stress in mentally over-burdened women: in 22.2% a complete normalization and in 44.4% a significant improvement of the mental functions. No complete normalization in the control group, 23% experienced a significant improvement
- Dispersion of stress improvement of the psycho-somatic status of children suffering from radiation sickness: in all children there was a dispersion of tension, a reduction in fear about the possibility of an unsuccessful outcome of the treatment of the illness, the decrease in worry and inhibitions and the decrease in nervous reactions. The percentage of children experiencing a high level of personal unrest fell from 59.1% to 22.7%
- Dispersion of psycho-physiological manifestations of stress in older people: deep muscular relaxation combined with a sensation of warmth, significant reduction and/or complete dispersion of the parameters bad mood, lethargy and agitation. Regular experience: dispersion of tension, acquisition of personal distance from unpleasant things, gentleness, inner peace, freedom from worry and a spiritual state of mind
- Dispersion of stress in patients with severe migraines: 56% experienced a regular good relaxation, 43% a significantly improved sleep and 31% a reduction in migraine attacks
- Dispersion of stress through the lowering of the stress hormone cortisol by 39% more than four times more effective than in the control group
- Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress in patients with multiple sclerosis, characterized by two processes: firstly the effective reappraisal of previously undigested experiences, secondly an unusually deep experience of harmonic values such as trust, security, love, gratitude, inner peace, hope, confidence, freedom from worry, creativity, zest for life and happiness
- Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress: due to the deep harmonization, it was possible to completely abstain from using tranquillizers in the treatment of children suffering from radiation sickness with hearing abnormalities
- Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress: regular deep relaxation and relieving improvement in sleep in patients with psycho-vegetative syndrome
- Reduction of physiological manifestations of stress: activation of antioxidizing processes in patients suffering from severe radiation sickness and who have autonomous neural and cerebrovascular disorders, harmonization of the amplitudinal characteristics of the electrical potentials of the skin
- Reduction of physiological manifestations of stress during labor through the harmonization of the hormone balance
- Reduction of mental manifestations of stress: reduction of the emotional stress in pregnant women with somatic disorders by 47%, compared to no reduction of stress in the control group
- Dispersion of physiological manifestations of stress in pregnant women through the reduction of the stress hormone cortisol by 36% and the doubling of progesterone: four times as effective as in the control group
- Dispersion of mental manifestations of stress: normalisation of the mental functions after gynecological surgery: there was complete normalization of 77.8% of the factors of the mental profile.
In 11.1% of the factors there was a significant improvement and 11.1% of factors became worse. The levels for the control group: there was complete normalization of 10% of the factors, 10% showed significant improvement and 20% became worse. 10% of the factors became predominantly worse, 10% remained unchanged and 40% displayed vague effects
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