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The Cosmic
Education Program


Peter Hübner
Developer of the University


Faculty of

Logical Path

Theoretical Fundamentals


Scientific Research

Medical Music
Preparations on CD



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Scientists from Tuebingen discover the Brain Regions responsible for Self Awareness
PETER HUEBNER: And: to begin with, they should set out to create a mathematics for a scientifically satisfying statement about ‘self-awareness’, which helps further here –
“Since the mathematicians
fell upon my relativity theory,
I do not understand it myself anymore.”
Albert Einstein
as we experience this with the physicists, who in the limited scope of the housefly and/or of the first three main states of consciousness look so unwaveringly for the world formula: of the housefly and/or for the world of the housefly.
“The great abundance of modern discoveries ... has destroyed the old materialism completely ... Today the universe presents itself to our eyes as thought. A thought, though, implies the existence of a thinker.”
Sir John Ambrose Fleming
British physicist
To describe and explain this situation the great poets of European history have created that motif of ‘Sisyphus’ and in my younger years I, too, used this drastic motif in my opera ‘Curse or Blessing: still’ – where I point to gaining higher states of consciousness for solving the problem of cognition (in the role of that Kchatom).  
“What we need is the
synthesis of
practical thinking and
idealistic striving.”
Willy Brandt
And all those countless fellow travellers dependent on others in the field of the first three main states of consciousness I have given the role of Herax – of that hero of the masses.
“Making every imaginable effort and with untiring work the exact scientist has climbed the mountain range of ignorance. He is just busy to conquer the highest peak. As he finally draws himself over the last ridge, he is joyfully welcomed by a group of mystics, which are waiting there for him since thousands of years.”
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: ”Star-moderator” one probably calls this today –

PETER HUEBNER: but this archetypal ‘successful’ member of the common herd lives in this opera – as also otherwise – only very short: he is actually not really living: he voluntarily restricts himself to that Status quo of the first three main states of consciousness:
“To be a perfect member
of a flock of sheep,
one has to be, above all,
one thing:
a sheep.”
Albert Einstein
the relative (limited) waking state of consciousness, the relative (limited) dream state of consciousness and deep sleep: his future.
GERMAN SCIENCE FORUM: Here lies the consciousness-dilemma of many present neuroscientists.
“Modern physics leads us necessarily to God, not away from him. None of the inventors of atheism was scientist. They all were very mediocre philosophers.”
Arthur Stanley
British physicist and astronomer
PETER HUEBNER: It is good that the report or the scientists involved in the research at least bring up the words ‘self’ or ‘I’ in a scientific context, even if they want to lump them together with the discrete little word ‘or’.

But it is worthwhile to differentiate very clearly between ‘self’ and ‘I’ – for latest from the fifth main state of consciousness on, the confusion about the natural connection of ‘self’ and ‘I’ gets dissolved:

Because there the difference between these two objects of cognition ‘self’ and ‘I’ is as clearly and unambiguously perceptible as the one between sun and moon.
“The difference between the right word and the
almost right one
is the same difference
as between the lightning
and a firefly.”
Mark Twain
“Who wants to build
high towers,
has to dwell long on the foundation.”
Anton Bruckner
“You want to know, who you were?
Then see, who you are.
You want to know, who you will be?
Then see, what you do.”
“The few, who cognised something of it,
who were unwise enough not to keep their
full heart with them,
who revealed their feeling,
their vision to the mob,
they were crucified and burnt at all times.”
Our ancestors – but also the ‘ancients’ of all other advanced cultures of the world – very strikingly chose these two symbols for those two phenomena of the ‘self’ and the ‘I’, which we come to know in an authentic manner in the fifth main state of consciousness.
“So God created man
in his own image,
in the image of God he created him.”
Genesis 1, 27
From this they inferred their sun cult and/or their moon cult: the sun cult related to getting that cognition process of ‘self-cognition’ started and to accompanying it; and the moon cult related to initiating and accompanying that cognition process of expansion of consciousness – with scientific systematics and applying archaic artistic means.
“Science without religion is lame,
religion without science is blind.”
Albert Einstein
“Turned to the Gods
we wander through the world
and return to the Gods.”
The Golden Verses
“A kind of religious feeling must be near to every deep minded researcher of nature, as he cannot imagine, that the immensely fine organised connections, which he envisions, are thought by him for the first time. In the incomprehensible universe there reveals itself an endlessly superior reason. The common idea, I would be an atheist, is based on a great error. Who reads it out of my scientific theories has hardly understood them ...”
                              Albert Einstein
Medical Music Preparations on CD
Listening Program:
RRR 935 Creativity
RRR 937
RRR 941
RRR 940
RRR 132
RRR 934
RRR 143
RRR 107
RRR 941
RRR 942

If you click on the title of the program,
it will lead you to the scientific research.