The Function of the Fields
of Cognition in Music

How then is the ob­ject of cog­ni­tion com­pre­hended in the re­spec­tive mu­si­cal force-field?

With our sense of hear­ing we com­pre­hend the physi­cal struc­ture of the tone, its in­ner me­chan­ics, its struc­tural change and its func­tion­ing in space and time.
We com­pre­hend the tone on the level of our mind; its struc­ture is rep­re­sented there in the same way as it ap­pears al­ready in the acous­tic space, where we per­ceive it with our outer or­gan of hear­ing (as far as our outer hear­ing is func­tion­ing, as far as our neu­ro­physi­ol­ogy is able to trans­mit the in­for­ma­tion, and as far as our mind as such is able to func­tion).

Analyzing the Physical Structure of the Sound
One must take into ac­count that, dur­ing the proc­ess of cre­at­ing a typi­cally clas­si­cal mu­si­cal work, the mu­sic and eve­ry sin­gle tone of it arose within the com­poser, in his in­ner space of imagi­na­tion, only af­ter his mind was stimu­lated as the ab­so­lu­te sound-sub­stance.
This per­fect stimu­la­tion guar­an­teed and guar­an­tees the unity of the com­po­si­tion.

The Unity of the Composition
In the mu­si­cal crea­tor eve­ry tone of his mu­si­cal work arises from this level of the ab­so­lu­te tone-sub­stance, and this means prac­ti­cally that, as the com­po­si­tion is cre­ated, all tones are di­rectly re­lated to each other in the ab­so­lu­te Now, be­yond space and time.
In the dy­namic proc­ess of cre­at­ing mu­sic the prime vi­bra­tion of the ab­so­lu­te sound-sub­stance in his mind guar­an­tees the com­poser the re­al­ity of this ab­so­lu­te Now the ab­so­lu­te simultaneity, the per­fect cor­re­la­tion of all mu­si­cal pa­rame­ters with­out any sepa­rat­ing link of space and time.

The Elemental Vibration of the Absolute Tone-Substance
Also, it is this in­te­grated field of per­fect mu­si­cal re­la­tion­ship where the lis­tener later lo­cal­izes the world of har­mony.

The Integrated Field of Perfect Musical Relations
When the sounds emerge from the ab­so­lu­te sound-sub­stance and ad­vance to­wards the in­te­grated re­la­tion of space and time, then the mu­si­cal force-fields of the se­quences are cre­ated which are firmly es­tab­lished be­yond space and time in the har­mony but which, at the same time, un­fold in an in­te­grated space-time re­la­tion­ship in the space and time of mu­si­cal evo­lu­tion.

Musical Sequences within and without Space and Time
Thus, in the mu­si­cal com­po­si­tion the se­quences have a me­diating po­si­tion be­tween the in­fi­nite har­mony flow­ing in the ab­so­lu­te Now, and the mo­tifs mov­ing in the field of space and time.
And un­tir­ingly, the se­quences carry the quali­ties of the ab­so­lu­te Now into the mu­si­cal world of the past, pre­sent, and fu­ture. So, through their chil­dren, the mo­tifs, they un­fold from the ab­so­lu­te level of the har­mony the sphe­res of re­sound­ing mu­sic in the mu­si­cal tone-space.

The Integrating Function of the Musical Sequences
For the tonal com­pre­hen­sion of the mu­si­cal work it is very im­por­tant that the vi­bra­tion of the ab­so­lu­te tone-sub­stance is lo­cal­ized in the mu­si­cal work by the lis­tener.
This proc­ess of per­cep­tion is sup­ported by the fact that the mu­si­cian al­ready raises the sound­ing mu­si­cal work di­rectly from this cos­mic vi­bra­tion.
Only the cog­ni­tion of the ab­so­lu­te tone-sub­stance al­lows us lis­ten­ers the per­sonal in­sight into the in­ner mu­si­cal fields of knowl­edge.

The Listener Localizes the Absolute Tone-Substance
Per­ceiv­ing the ab­so­lu­te sound-sub­stance on the level of the mind is the golden magic key of gain­ing knowl­edge not only for the com­poser, but for us mu­sic lis­ten­ers as well.
And hav­ing made the ex­peri­ence of the ab­so­lu­te tone-sub­stance, one knows that this key is of a very prac­ti­cal, quasi tech­ni­cal kind.

The Golden Magic Key for Gaining Knowledge in Music
The cog­ni­tion of the ab­so­lu­te sound-sub­stance, i.e. the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the in­di­vid­ual mind with the com­pre­hen­sive ba­sic vi­bra­tion of the har­mony, or with the ba­sic vi­bra­tion of cos­mic think­ing re­spec­tively, en­ables our mind to ana­lyze and synthesize in an in­te­grated man­ner to un­der­stand and to feel in an in­te­grated man­ner and thus to ex­peri­ence and to com­pre­hend si­mul­ta­ne­ously the in­ner mu­si­cal fields of knowl­edge of the mo­tifs and se­quences, but also of tones and of the in­fi­nite field of the har­mony within space and time, as well as be­yond space and time.

The Listener Identifies Himself with the Absolute Sound-Substance





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The Practical Fundamentals of Universal Cognition